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Caw! Do what I say! Go lovin'...!!
Caw! It’s me, Crow! Bet you didn’t expect that did you? Richard has a week left to finish his book and has asked me to step in at short notice to write something. He says he needs the ‘creative space’ this week, but personally I think he’s just faffing. Or necking sherry straight from the bottle, which he says is an old Victorian remedy for Writer’s Block. I’m not convinced though. Caw! What an old fraud!
But hey, I get to say something and I thought I would mention that last week had Valentine’s Day in it, which is not something I usually worry about as a Crow. However, given that I’m a bit of an old romantic (don’t tell the pigeons, or they’ll never leave me alone, with their irritating cooing) I think you humans are odd.
I mean you work hard (or so Richard tells me) for 365 days a year at your jobs, or polishing your houses, and yet you only have one day for love! One day! Even your banks get eight days of holiday! Crazy or what! Caw!
I mean I’m just a bird, but if I liked a bird I’d tell her more than once a year that I loved her! Birds need telling and showing you know. Or they fly off with another Crow who’s all beak and shiny tail feathers and then don’t return your messages, well, er, er, I guess that’s what they do. That happened to a close friend of mine. Apparently.
So, listen you humans; I’d like you to do some more lovin’ this week and double your love-output for the year. People like to be loved and now that the Big Day has passed it will look like you really mean it and aren’t just jumping on the commercial band-wagon.
Go for it! Crow says…love!
And peace to all birds (but not pigeons, as there are limits).
Oh and you can watch Brian again if you like. He’s cool too.
Caw! I’m off now to do some crow lovin’ and make a new bird smile! Caw, caw!
Tags: Crow, love, Valentine's Day
Once a year it seems that the whole world goes pink and fluffy in pursuit of passion, romance and at the very least, a happy home life.
People rush out and buy cards, cuddly toys and little love tokens. They book tables in restaurants, wear their brightest smiles, or bag the back row at their local cinema, for ninety minutes of Hollywood flavoured hugs.
They do all of this to celebrate the person they’re with, encouraged onwards by saccharine advertisements pushing perfume that will instantly transform us (with just one tiny puff) into either a bronzed hunk with a surfboard, or an elegant beauty sashaying our way into the Ritz.
Valentine’s day is clearly a commercial enterprise and yet it’s always fun to get a card, or a message, or to use the day as an opportunity to go out to dinner with someone special.
We also need to love ourselves.
It’s fun to treat other people and it’s also really healthy and satisfying to treat ourselves too.
We all work hard, rob sleep to look after children, or rush off to work without a decent breakfast inside us. We all spend time thinking about the needs of others and can forget to put ourselves first.
This year I’d like to invite you to think about yourself and do one thing to say; ‘well done me, I’m lovely.’
You might choose to:
The choice is endless and the choice is yours. You can also take a minute to enjoy our special Valentine’s Day Video (feat Brian) which joins the other mini-masterpieces on the Tube of You. Brian’s great to work with; he always hits his marks and never fluffs a line. A real pro.
So, this year do keep yourself in your partner’s good books…and also do something for yourself too. Because:
You’re worth it.
By the way…I’m always interested in comments…so please share with us what you will being doing to be kind to yourself…
Tags: Brian, heart, love, Valentine, Valentine's Day
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