Tips and stories to add value to you and your organisation
A heart made from the love seeds of the sage tree. The seeds bring love and peace to people who have them.
It would seem that poor old Valentine is having to do a full week of work this year as people extend V-day into a week of loving celebration and generally lovin’ it up. And there is nothing wrong with that – if you love someone and can’t tell them this week, in the face or massive commercial prodding, then maybe you have a problem. However, as well of thinking about others, we also need to think about ourselves and the work we do.
In our Modern Career we might have several job changes, work for a variety of organisations and/or have several mini-careers that follow each other like a crocodile of happy children all holding hands.
If we love our work then life is sweet and the days speed by. If we don’t, then life is a prison sentence and we spend 40 to 60 hours a week locked up longing for escape.
I love what I do and enjoy the helter-skelter imbalance of coaching sessions, training work, being writer-Rich and being radio-Rich. It wasn’t always like that and I hated my first few jobs and struggled with work for many years …until I learned to love myself and to do work that I love.
Rather than focusing on where we are now, as we’re already here, let’s wind forward to next year …and ask ourselves:
1) What am I going to be doing this time in 2013?
2) What am I going to do maintain the love I already have, or to find something new to love?
In this week of Valentines we can learn to love ourselves and to recognise that we’re super people who work hard and can enjoy a great modern career. As for me, I shall be loving an Eccles cake on Tuesday. Mmmm …cake! I love that too!
I’ve had three contrasting situations this week which have reminded me that it’s easy to overlook difficult decisions, or to avoid difficult conversations.
Business is fun and yet it has it’s darker side too…where we have to take tough decisions and deal with tricky situations.
Facing up to reality is what separates the sheep from the lambs and we all have to do it sometimes.
Here are three little vignettes for you to consider:
1) I have downsized my car this week to a cheaper and more economical Volvo (which I’m very pleased with). Much as I loved my Audi, my driving patterns have changed and it felt like my business now had a Director sat there drinking my coffee and doing less work. The car had to go.
2) A colleague has an under-performing supervisor and has been keeping his fingers crossed that he’ll ‘improve soon’. So far he’s waited six months, to no avail. I suggested that his waiting was becoming part of the problem. He’s talking with the supervisor next week.
3) A friend who is out of her depth and needs support had been passive about creating sales meetings. Selling can be tough and scary and daunting, but if you can’t sell you probably shouldn’t be running your own business. The trick is to make it feel safe by taking small steps and only doing one scary thing at a time. Too much is overload. She now has a simple plan, that combines easy activities with a bit of personal stretch.
If you’re in business and have an elephant in the room, car on the drive, or member of staff under-performing what are you going do to about it?
The sheep are in business, whereas the lambs think they are, but in reality are just playing at it.
….If you’re worried then talk to someone and share your concens. Or give me a call and we can combine business problem solving with cake.
After all, tough talk can be tasty talk..!
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