Tips and stories to add value to you and your organisation
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Does your business card work hard enough for you? Does it really earn its keep in your wallet, ready to be offered to new and exciting people?
I’ve been pondering these questions for a while now as my card was designed when ‘social media’ was in short trousers and Twitter just an idea on a bar mat. Then a few weeks ago I saw a great business card on Twitter from my colleague Laura Brown (@yourfirstpa). The card came from Goodprint (@Goodprint) who have a number of great templates, so I took advantage of a special offer and spent a couple of hours designing my own Twitter business card.
Now that I have it…I love it; for two reasons. Firstly, it really promotes what I like to call ‘Brand Richard’. People buy people and the card tells potential clients something about me. It creates opportunities for people to ask me questions and there’s a great call to action at the top.
The other reason I love it is that it landed me a new client (yes really). A few days ago I bumped into a colleague and offered him one of my new Twitter cards and because he was with a lady visitor, I also offered one to her as a courtesy.
It sparked a conversation about networking and social media that lead to her asking me if I would like to run some workshops for her organisation. Would I?
Of course I would…
Take a moment to look at your business card and ask yourself if it does a great job of selling you? Does it invite discussion and give you a chance to sell yourself?
For me, I do like my existing business card, which still has a place in my wallet. However, the new Twitter card is fast becoming a great new addition, because it’s a clever way to achieve two vital networking goals:
1) Creating interesting conversations
2) Being memorable
Have a look in your wallet today. Is there space in there for a Twitter business card?
Books! Speaks!
If you’re new to this blog there are three great books listed on the homepage and you’re welcome to browse. If you’d like to know how to write one, do contact me and line up your questions. If you’d like me be a speaker for your group or event then you can have that too. I’ve been told that I’m pretty good at it (I love it). What would you like? Networking? Leadership? Runnng a business?
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Tags: Twitter
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